Are You Stressed Out?

Self-care is usually what is missing from most peoples’ lives. Being so busy doing ‘all the things’ can make us stressed and headed for burn out. You may feel that self-care is over-indulgent, but it is an extremely healthy way to step back and make sure you are paying attention to what is going on inside of you. Read More

Listen to Your Heart

What is your heart telling you? ❤️ Did you know that heart disease is the #1 killer of women? Even more than all forms of cancer combined! Whoa… Almost 2/3 of women who die of coronary heart disease had no previous symptoms 😲 and 90% of women already have one or more risk factors. Having high blood pressure forces our hearts to work harder to get blood to the rest of our body. This causes part of our heart, the left ventricle, to thicken. This increases our risk of having issues with our hearts. Read More

Why Quality Matters.

There is no rating system for essential oils in the United States. Young Living did a purity test on Lavender essential oil from many different, popular companies. 75% of them were found to be adulterated, which means there was not 100% Lavender essential oil in their bottles. Many companies cut corners like this by: adding Read More