Why Quality Matters.

There is no rating system for essential oils in the United States.

Young Living did a purity test on Lavender essential oil from many different, popular companies. 75% of them were found to be adulterated, which means there was not 100% Lavender essential oil in their bottles. Many companies cut corners like this by:

  • adding carrier oils (like almond or coconut) to dilute the product,
  • performing multiple presses/distillations on the same plant material (like using coffee grounds multiple times through your machine), 
  • spraying pesticides or weed killers on their crops, which end up in the bottle,
  • chemical extenders may be used to pull more oil out of the plant,
  • using cheaper natural plants or synthetics to replicate a scent, or
  • chemicals leaching from sub-standard distillation equipment.

     No thank you.

To top it off, many companies get their oils after they are already processed.  As a result, they do not know what type of seeds, soil, farming or distillation practices were employed in manufacturing the oil.

Young Living is different.

Happily, that's what sets Young Living apart. We have our own farms and partner farms, that you can actually visit, that adhere to strict standards. Our oils are made from organically grown plants, harvested at their peak and distilled at low temperatures for just the right amount of time, which ensures that you are getting all of the wonderful, transforming properties out of the plant.

Young Living’s promise assures you that each plant is hand-weeded, without the use of pesticides, weed killers, or chemical extenders. Also, the oils are put through a vigorous testing process then shipped directly to your home. Young Living doesn’t cut corners - Seed to Seal is a promise.  Pure and concentrated, each 5 ml bottle holds about 90 drops, and a 15 ml bottle holds about 250 precious drops. You can trust that the name of the oil on the bottle is exactly what's inside. 

To learn more about our commitment to quality, click here.


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